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Health Office Policies

The following policies and procedures are followed by the Brookside and Hillside School nurses and any Substitute RN and are approved by Christopher Nicpon MD:

  1. Strep – all students suspected of having strep are to be excluded from school until the 24 hour throat culture results are received. If the student is diagnosed as having strep, the student is to be excluded from school until on antibiotic therapy and fever-free for 24 hours.
  2. Chicken Pox – those students with chicken pox are to be excluded from school from the first day the rash appears. In order to be cleared for return to school, all open and/or draining lesions must be scabbed over. The student must also be fever-free for 24 hours.  Before returning to school, the student must be examined by the school nurse who will check that all pox are scabbed over. This usually takes 4-7 days.  
  3. Conjunctivitis – those students excluded from school with suspected  conjunctivitis must present a doctor’s note or the name of the antibiotic eye drops prescribed by the doctor and must have been using the antibiotic eye drops for 24 hours before returning to school. The school nurse must examine these students before returning to school.
  4. Fever – students must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing agents before returning to school.
  5. Rash – students with an undiagnosed rash will be excluded from school until a written diagnosis is received from the student’s doctor
  6. Physical Education – students excluded from Physical Education classes for more than a week require a doctor’s note to return to full activity. Any student excluded from PE due to injury is automatically excluded from recess at Brookside School unless a parent or physician note is received giving their permission to sit quietly at recess.
    • No outdoor recess is permitted at Hillside School.  
    • No student is permitted to partially participate in PE – they must be able to participate fully.
    • Students wearing any splint, cast or other brace like device are not permitted to participate in Phys Ed or recess.
  7. Ill Students – if a student leaves school due to illness, they are not permitted to return to school for tests, to pick up books or homework, extra-curricular activities, etc that day. If feeling better, and did not have a fever or a contagious illness, they must be in school by 1pm in order to participate in after school activities.