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Contact Information and Mission Statement

Welcome to the Brookside School Health Office

Tara Mansouri RN.

Gif of ambulance bouncing

Phone: 201 327-2020, ext. 2231    
Fax: 201 785-9736

School Physician
Dr. Chris Nicpon


Assessment and evaluations for students who don't feel well will be done in the Health Office. Students will be sent home or allowed to rest in the Health Office depending on the nurses' assessment. Any student with a suspected communicable disease will be sent home and re-admitted only after evaluation and clearance note provided by their healthcare provider.

Medication at School

Any medication given in school requires the authorization of a physician or guardian. All prescribed medications must be labeled and given to the Health Office along with medical orders from the pediatrician. 

Students in grades 6-8th are able to receive acetaminophen 325mg (as needed) depending on their symptoms as assessed by the nurse. Parents must sign off on permission for pain medication on the portal every year.

  • See Forms page for medication authorization paperwork

Physical Examination (Forms Page)

  • Physical exams are required for students entering Pre-K, Kindergarten, Sixth Grade and new students entering the district.
  • Physical Exams are also recommended, every year. Please submit your child's Physical Exam so it can be filed in your child's health records.
  • **5th Grade: Please submit your child's physical exam after their 11th birthday check up and include documentation of their required vaccines (Tdap & Meningitis)
  • Physical Exam templates can be found on the forms page (PreParticipation Physical Exam)

Athletic physical exams (Forms Page)

Required for those students in grades 6,7 & 8 who wish to try out for Interscholastic Sports. 

  • For more information on athletic clearance, see the 'Forms' page.


  • Students are required to meet the immunization requirements set forth by the NJ Department of Health.
  • All students entering 6th grade are required to show documentation of receiving Tdap and Meningococcal vaccinations at their 11th birthday.
  • *Students not in compliance with New Jersey State Law N.J.A.C. 8:57-4.3 and 4.4 will NOT be able to enter 6th grade until documentation is received. Students turning 11 during 6th grade will have a 2 week grace period after their birthday to submit required documentation.


  • Height, weight and blood pressure screenings are done yearly for all students.
  • Hearing, vision and scoliosis screenings are performed on students as required by the NJ school health state guidelines.
  • Students may be exempt from scoliosis screening if requested in writing by a parent (Done in 7th grade).
  • Any concerns are referred to the parents for further evaluation by the child’s healthcare provider.

Physical Education Passes

Your child may be excused from Physical Education for up to one week with a written note from a parent.  Your child requires a note from his/her healthcare provider to be excused for more than a week.  If a student is excused from P.E., he/she cannot participate in recess or intramural or interscholastic sports.

  • Students are permitted to be excused from PE for a maximum of three times per trimester with a parent note.
  • Parents must notify the school nurse and provide a physican note if a child has any new injury such as: a laceration requiring sutures, using crutches, or having a cast or brace on.
  • The note should indicate that the student is not permitted to participate in PE/Sports/Recess and should show the length of time before he/she can return to full activity.